innovative growth strategies

Are Pharma Brands Running Out of Ideas?

In my previous blog post, I described how pharma brands are drowning in the "Sea of Sameness." The brand positioning strategies are converging to the same four ideas in chronic drugs.
But it gets worse. Even the creative seems to be converging to the same point. Look at these 3 different executions from 3 different companies and psoriasis drugs -- Stelara, Skyrizi and Otezla. After spending millions on Agencies, it would look like they landed at the same beach with the same actors with the same idea "I can wear my bikini now and be free." Seriously?
Actually, one of these brands, Skyrizi, does a smart job in its brand activation - though not in its creative. In my next post, I will share what it does that is special.

[Written by: Sandeep Dayal]